The Five Realms of the True Martial Artist

By Al Case

The following phrase has amazing importance for a True Martial Artist. "There are five trees in paradise and they do not change, sumer nor fall, and their leaves don't drop. Whoever understands these trees will not die."

You may be wondering why these words are so vital to the understanding of the martial arts, so let me explain. They were transcribed by a person named Thomas some two millennium ago. They stand for the five circles of man's experience in this life, and they are defined in the following paragraphs.

Physical has to do with the practice of taking control of the physical body. To be honest, in the martial arts this is not the mere fact of fighting, but controlling. While there is certainly an art to the fact of destruction, the true art is realized through learning control.

Emotional refers to controlling the emotions. Practice real martial arts for any length of time and you begin to control your emotion. Emotions, defined in Neutronics, are 'motion inside the head.'

Mental refers to the way one thinks, and how to use the mind in a logical and rational fashion. This is where the science of Matrixing rears its head, as it presents a way for analyzing and handling all potentials of motion, and, if you think about it, that's all there is in this universe. The unfortunate truth is that anybody who doesn't understand matrixing is not on the way to mastering the ability to think.

Spiritual deals with a person knowing that they are a speck of awareness putting forth light (awareness), and that creates the universe. This Spiritual Awakening must be experienced, it is not something you can just talk about. This is the main purpose of Neutronics.

Awareness of All deals with understanding the universe from the viewpoints of all the individual 'I ams' that are individual man/woman. This is the God factor, or the omnipotent power that creates and pervades the universe(s). With Matrixing this is not mysterious, but a logical step on the path begun when one first steps into a dojo.

Do you control yourself in the realm of these five arenas? Have you practiced the martial arts sufficient to be able to move from level to level in these five arenas? Maybe it is time you really started your journey into the true martial arts!

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