How to Take a Gun Away When You Don't Know Karate, Kung Fu or Ninjitsu or Anything!

By Al Case

You don't need such eastern fighting methods like Karate, Kung Fu or Ninjitsu to handle a sudden gun attack. Though, let's face it, grin, it sure wouldn't hurt. That said, let me tell you an interesting story of a friend of mine who got 'almost' mugged while visiting in Mexico City.

He was sauntering down the street, stepped across the mouth of an alley, and a mean looking fellow told him to stop. My friend stopped because the guy in the alley had a gun, and the gun was aimed directly at him!

'Give me your money,' the bandito said. It was a sunny day, but they were in the shadows. Realizing that he had no choice, my friend reached slowly into his pocket, took out his wallet, and held it out.

Here's where it gets good. The bandito actually reached out for the wallet with the same hand he was holding the gun with! That's right, he tried to hold the gun and take the wallet with the same hand.

My friend just laughed. He then slapped the revolver with his billfold, which caused the mugger to drop his gun. Then, though he didn't know Krav Maga or Hapkido or anything, he gave the dolt a good, old-fashioned, American slobberknocker on the side of the cranium.

Man, he pounded that dope hard, and the wanna be bandit hit the pavement hard. There were only two sounds. The sound of my friend smacking him in the jaw with knuckles, and the sound of the idiot's head bouncing on the ground.

So, what's the lesson to be learned here? The lesson is that the most important thing in a situation like this is the will and the opportunity. My friend had both of these things, and he used them. Now, it sounds like I've disrespected the martial arts here, but let me offer you something.

My friend had been a cop, he had gone through all the training, learned jujitsu holds, disarming techniques, how to manipulate unruly criminals, everything. He said that it was his 'put together' piece of mind, if you will, brought about by his extensive lessons in how to stay calm under fire, that saved his life, wallet, and ended poor Cisco's career. So I mislead you with that headline about a sudden gun attack, and I do apologize...but people should study Karate, Kung Fu or Ninjitsu, or some martial art if they want to survive in a world where bad guys can step out of an alley with a pointed handgun.

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