MMA Gear: Easy Steps To Make Sure Your Gear Doesn't Stink

By Dewey R. Toussaint

If you are a committed fighter, then you will understand how important it is to keep your MMA gear clean. Different kinds of gear are usually used in different kinds of matches, so if you are new to this then the more information you have the better. However, if you know a few suggestions, then you will be able to make sure that every time you get into a training match or have a bout, that you will have superb, clean gear.

The first step that is very vital is to set your MMA gear out after you have finished training for the day to let it dry as soon as possible. I've been there after a challenging workout, where you just want to toss your bag to the side and relax for the rest of the day, however it makes it much harder to clean later, due to bacteria growth. The bacteria are what makes your gear smell horrible and typically comes from your sweat as you train.

When you pull out those dirty clothes, you will want to put as many of them in your washing machine as you can. Although you need to know that you can't clean all of your MMA gear in your washing machine, so be certain that you read the label on each piece of gear. If you buy a great kind of detergent for your clothes, which does not have any bleach, this will keep your clothes clean longer.

The third recommendation that I have for you is to purchase a very good deodorizer to spray down your MMA gear after every match that you fight in. If you fight a lot of times, you will understand the amount that you sweat as you fight, so this will be another form of protection from being the stinky guy or girl at the gym. I would spray down every piece of gear, after you have washed it and let it air out in the open.

My final recommendation is to only purchase great MMA gear, because if you get the cheaper versions of the clothing, then they are much more likely to get and stay stinky. Top notch MMA clothing is usually built with fabrics that wick away your sweat and evaporate, which make them simple to clean. You will be very satisfied if you be certain to follow these tips to keeping your clothing clean and non-stinky.

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