Learn MMA Online - Mixed Martial Arts Tips For A Beginner

Are you looking for beginner mixed martial arts tips? If you want to perfect your martial arts skills at home then the internet is a great way to touch up your skills. There are a wealth of resources available that will teach you the techniques of MMA from the very start.
Why Was Mixed Martial Arts Formed?
Though MMA has been around for many centuries, the sport as we know it today was formed in the early 90's with the creation of the Ultimate Fighting Championships (AKA the UFC.) The main idea behind the sport was to find out what the most effective martial art was in a general fighting situation. The early competitions saw martial arts as diverse as; Sumo Wrestling, Taekwon-do, Savate and Ninjutsu. In recent years the disciplines have been narrowed down to Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Muay Thai and Kickboxing. Other popular styles include Karate and Judo. These disciplines are currently the most common forms of martial art in MMA.
Mixed Martial Arts Tips
MMA is one of the most physically demanding sports around. It requires the practitioner to have all round body strength, speed, flexibility and a strategic mind. Mixed martial arts training is known for being very difficult. If you are a beginner then I would recommend that you spend some time improving your conditioning levels and trying to build up a strong core. This is probably one of the most important fitness aspects of the sport.
One Month Workout Routine:
This workout routine should be completed 3 days per week for the first 2 weeks. And then 4 days per week for the second two weeks. It is designed to increase your overall fitness, shed body fat and increase core strength.
1. 10 minute run. Sprint for 30 seconds then break for 30 seconds for the full duration.
2. Skip for 6 minutes. Move from low intensity to high intensity every minute.
3. Perform 1 minute of air squats, 1 minute of burpees and 1 minute of situps at high intensity.
4. 3 sets of press ups. All sets must be completed to failure.
5. 10 minutes of shadow boxing. It doesn't matter if you don't have very good form at this stage as the idea is to keep your heart rate up and for your body to get used to some of the fundamental MMA movements.
6. 10 minutes of stretching. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds. Focus at least 3 minutes of this to stretching your abductors.
This workout routine only takes around 45 minutes to complete. It is a great way to begin training as it only uses your body weight so you won't need to go out and buy weights or kettlebells. If you struggle with this routine then there is nothing wrong with lowering the time frames, as long as you are working hard, breaking a sweat and feeling fatigued by the end.
Where Can I Learn MMA Online?
There are a lot of different places to learn MMA online. I would recommend that you use a program that is either designed or endorsed by professional martial artists. There is a program online called Damage Control. This MMA system has been designed by professional fighters, and is currently being used by a number of different UFC competitors.
Looking for good quality mixed martial arts tips? Visit: Learn MMA Online
Learning mixed martial arts online can be very effective. Damage Control is a professional training guide used by a number of world class MMA fighters.
Want to learn MMA online and get professional training advice? Visit: Martial Arts Tips
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adam_R_Mannel